In "Why Robots are the Future of Parenting," Sarah Smalley takes us on a hilarious and slightly absurd journey into the not-so-distant future where robots are not just household helpers but have stepped up as the primary caregivers of our children. Imagine a world where your child's bedtime stories are narrated by a softly glowing bot with the...
"Robots Aren't Good Grandparents" is an uproarious journey into the future, where cutting-edge technology meets the heartwarming chaos of family life. In a world where robots have replaced many human roles, the Smith family decides to embark on a bold experiment: assigning the care of their rambunctious twins to the latest model of domestic...
In this hilarious and insightful installment of the "Robo-Parenting for Dummies" series, Sarah Smalley-Biggleton explores a futuristic world where robots take over the demanding duties of parenting. With witty observations and laugh-out-loud anecdotes, Sarah dives into the delightful chaos that ensues when a state-of-the-art robot nanny manages...
In a world where robots are just as likely to crack a joke as they are to crack your computer code, "To Bot or Not to Bot" invites readers on a side-splitting adventure that explores the age-old question: are we ready to embrace our metal friends or should we just unplug?
Join the hilarious hijinks of Max, a quirky programmer with a penchant for...
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