In "Why Robots are the Future of Parenting," Sarah Smalley takes us on a hilarious and slightly absurd journey into the not-so-distant future where robots are not just household helpers but have stepped up as the primary caregivers of our children. Imagine a world where your child's bedtime stories are narrated by a softly glowing bot with the...
"Robots Aren't Good Grandparents" is an uproarious journey into the future, where cutting-edge technology meets the heartwarming chaos of family life. In a world where robots have replaced many human roles, the Smith family decides to embark on a bold experiment: assigning the care of their rambunctious twins to the latest model of domestic...
In this hilarious and insightful installment of the "Robo-Parenting for Dummies" series, Sarah Smalley-Biggleton explores a futuristic world where robots take over the demanding duties of parenting. With witty observations and laugh-out-loud anecdotes, Sarah dives into the delightful chaos that ensues when a state-of-the-art robot nanny manages...
Hello loyal readers! I'm still working on the fourth book in the series and the cover shall be revealed soon!
Sarah Smalley-Biggleton
Sarah Smalley-Biggleton, a literary legend in her own lunchtime, hails from the whimsical town of Gigglesworth-upon-Tweed. With a penchant for puns and a flair for the fantastically far-fetched, Sarah has been tickling funny bones since she first picked up a quill. Her early works, such as "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Reboot You Never Knew You Needed" and "Harry Plotter: The Wizard Who Couldn't Draw Straight Lines," garnered critical acclaim and raised more than a few eyebrows (and probably a monocle or two).
When she isn't concocting absurd adventures or crafting convoluted characters, Sarah can be found at her countryside cottage, whimsically named "Pun Haven." Here, she spends her days sipping Earl Grey with a twist of lemon (and a hint of sarcasm), all while penning her next ludicrously loquacious novel. Her latest masterpiece, "The Curious Case of the Punctilious Pigeon," has readers and critics alike cooing with delight and confusion.
Sarah's writing philosophy is simple: why walk the straight and narrow when you can meander down the hilariously haphazard? She firmly believes that a good story should leave readers with a smile on their faces, a giggle in their hearts, and perhaps a lingering question of "Did that really just happen?" So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, settle into your comfiest chair, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey through the delightfully daft mind of Sarah Smalley-Biggleton.
Sarah Smalley-Biggleton, a literary legend in her own lunchtime, hails from the whimsical town of Gigglesworth-upon-Tweed. With a penchant for puns and a flair for the fantastically far-fetched, Sarah has been tickling funny bones since she first picked up a quill. Her early works, such as "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Reboot You Never Knew You Needed" and "Harry Plotter: The Wizard Who Couldn't Draw Straight Lines," garnered critical acclaim...
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